Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations of the buyer, hereinafter referred to as "the client", and of the seller, hereinafter referred to as “SORTD PORTUGAL” or "getsortd.pt" for all purchases carried out remotely via the website www.getsortd.pt and the SORTD PORTUGAL mobile application. By purchasing our products and services, the client declares that they accept these Terms and conditions without reservation.

SORTD PORTUGAL is a Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, its registration number is 517655268 and its place of bussines is Second Home, Mercado de Ribeira, Av. 24 de Julho 1o andar, 1200-479 Lisboa – Portugal.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms and conditions at any time. We invite you to read this document carefully with each new order. The applicable Terms and conditions will be those in force on the day the order is placed and apply without restrictions or reservations to all sales of services appearing in our catalog published on our site.

By validating these Terms and conditions when ordering, the client declares to have the legal capacity allowing the conclusion of a sales contract.

Article 1: Object

The purpose of these conditions is to define the sales regime and the rights resulting therefrom, in particular for:

§  The organization of legal relations between getsortd.ptand the client.

§  The terms of sale of products between getsortd.pt and the client.

Article 2. Your order

The products and services presented on the getsortd.pt website can be ordered online.

You access the content of your shopping cart, including all the products. You must then proceed to your identification. As such, you agree to provide us with accurate and reliable information, thus enabling us to perform all of our contractual obligations. We cannot be held liable in the event that the information you have provided turns out to be false or incomplete.

Your identification can be made directly after selecting the products or through your user account. Opening an account includes entering an email address and choosing a password. Your identifiers are personal to you and must be kept confidential. You can access the personal data that you have communicated to us on simple request.

The data provided by the client and recorded by getsortd.pt during registration and ordering constitutes proof of transactions between getsortd.pt and the client. After validation of the order by the client getsortd.pt will send a confirmation email to the client to notify them that the order has been registered. getsortd.pt reserves the right to refuse to execute a delivery or to honor an order in cases where the client has not paid in whole or in part a previous order, or in cases where a payment dispute remains.

Article 3. Client’s information

§  The Client will provide to SORTD all information that is relevant for the execution of the assignment and accepts that if the Client does not, SORTD may not be able to adequately carry out the service.

§  The Client is obliged to provide all data and documents that SORTD believes are necessary for the correct execution of the assignment, in a timely manner, in the desired form and in the desired manner.

§  The Client guarantees the correctness, completeness and reliability of the data and documents made available to SORTD, even if they originate from third parties, unless the nature of the assignment dictates otherwise.

§  The Client indemnifies SORTD against any damage in any form whatsoever arising from non-compliance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article.

§  If and insofar as the Client requests this, SORTD returns the relevant documents.

§  If the Client does not make the data and documents required by SORTD available, or not in time or properly, and the execution of the order is delayed as a result, the resulting additional costs and additional fees will be borne by the Client.

Article 4. Services information

getsortd.pt specifies with the greatest rigor, the information posted online and concerning the essential characteristics of the services, in particular through the technical descriptions of the services posted online.

Article 5. Placing your order

Once the services have been selected and your identification data entered, you then proceed to the selection of your payment method. You will then be presented with a summary of your order, which will include information relating to products or services, prices, or delivery methods. You will also be assigned an order number.

In case the purchased service requires active input from the User, such as the provision of personal information or data, specifications or special wishes, the order submission creates an obligation for the Client to cooperate accordingly.

Article 6. Price

Prices indicated on the getsortd.pt site are expressed inclusive of all taxes.

getsortd.pt reserves the right to modify its prices at any time but the services will be invoiced on the basis of the prices in force at the time of the recording of the orders.

In the event that the purchase of the services is accompanied by a credit requested at the time of the sale or prior to it, the sale will not become final until the credit offer itself becomes final.

Article 7. Terms of payment

On our website or on the SORTD PORTUGAL mobile application, you can pay for your order by credit card (Blue, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.)

Payment by bank transfer is also possible in some cases.

Please note that SORTD PORTUGAL may change its payment methods.

In case of payment by credit card, the client's order will only be validated after the account has been debited with the authorization of the competent payment centers. In the event of a lack of authorization, the client's order cannot be taken into account. Online payment by payment card is made via a security system that allows the encryption of the client's bank details when they are transmitted over the network.

SORTD PORTUGAL has implemented measures to check the validity of the means of payment. For more information, see our Privacy Policy on our website.

Article 8. Cancellation of the order and refund terms

Subject to implementation before the start of the study of the information, SORTD PORTUGAL offers you the possibility of going back on your commitment within 14 days of payment of your order and of cancelling all or part of the latter. To be taken into account, the cancellation must be made directly on our site or by contacting customer service to the email address hello@getsortd.pt.

In the event that a refund is deemed necessary or appropriate, getsortd.pt will only refund the client an amount equal to the exact payment made by the client for the specific service in question, without any additional percentage or compensation fees. By using our services, clients agree to this refund limitation and acknowledge that they will not be eligible for any further compensation beyond the original payment amount.

SORTD PORTUGAL undertakes to reimburse the products as soon as possible and does its utmost to ensure that this occurs within 30 days of acceptance of the cancellation request.

Article 9. Services and its terms of provision

The client hereby appoints SORTD to represent his/her interests and those of his/her family members and to undertake the necessary actions on behalf of the client in connection with the application to acquire the documents required to live and settle in Portugal. SORTD will also be able to offer assistance and support in settling in Portugal.

Our turnaround time is an estimate as there are factors beyond our control (e.g. embassy organization, delays in sending documents, Portuguese government delays, etc.) We cannot guarantee that your service will be provide on a certain date.


Article 10. Limitations of liability

‍To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the Owner, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, co-branders, partners, suppliers and employees be liable for

§  any indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, arising out of or relating to the use of, or inability to use, the Service; and

§  any damage, loss or injury resulting from hacking, tampering or other unauthorized access or use of the Service or User account or the information contained therein;

§  any errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content;

§  personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from User access to or use of the Service;

§  any unauthorized access to or use of the Owner’s secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein;

§  any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service;

§  any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through the Service;

§  any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the Service; and/or

§  the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any User or third party. In no event shall the Owner, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, co-branders, partners, suppliers and employees be liable for any claims, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses or costs in an amount exceeding the amount paid by User to the Owner hereunder in the preceding 12 months, or the period of duration of this agreement between the Owner and User, whichever is shorter.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, therefore the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to User. The terms give User specific legal rights, and User may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The disclaimers, exclusions, and limitations of liability under the terms shall not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.

Article 11. Service interruption

To ensure the best possible service level, SORTD reserves the right to interrupt the Service for maintenance, system updates or any other changes, informing the clients appropriately.

Within the limits of law, SORTD may also decide to suspend or terminate the Service altogether. If the Service is terminated, SORTD will cooperate with Users to enable them to withdraw Personal Data or information in accordance with applicable law.

Additionally, the Service might not be available due to reasons outside the SORTD’s reasonable control, such as “force majeure”.

Article 12. Service reselling

Clients may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of getsortd.pt and of its Service without the Owner’s express prior written permission.

Article 13. Data protection

We respect the privacy of our users and ensure that all information collected, allowing them to be identified, is considered confidential information. The term "personal data" refers to information about the client as a natural person communicated voluntarily by themselves. Personal data thus includes nominative data (such as names, first names, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, passport number etc.).

SORTD PORTUGAL attaches great importance to protecting and respecting the privacy of its clients and their personal data. SORTD PORTUGAL’s personal data protection policy aims to inform clients of practices regarding consent, collection, use, storage, security measures, retention period (s), recipient (s), the deposit of cookies on their terminal and the sharing of personal data that the client is required to provide when making a purchase, joining a loyalty program, creating a client account, etc.

We, therefore, collect the client's personal data for the purposes of processing their order, preparing invoices, satisfaction surveys, client identification, and commercial relations with the client. SORTD PORTUGAL is responsible for processing this data.

Details of the client's data protection objectives and rights are detailed in our Privacy Policy. getsortd.pt reserves the right to verify the identity of the client.

SORTD PORTUGAL respects the formalities and the record keeping obligations for its processing. The client has the right to access, modify and delete personal data concerning them. You can exercise this right by contacting us by email at gdpr@getsortd.pt.

Article 14. Intellectual property

Without prejudice to any more specific provision of these Terms, any intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights and design rights related to getsortd.pt are the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are subject to the protection granted by applicable laws or international treaties relating to intellectual property.

All trademarks — nominal or figurative — and all other marks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images, or logos appearing in connection with getsortd.pt are, and remain, the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are subject to the protection granted by applicable laws or international treaties related to intellectual property.



Article 15. Dispute management

These Terms and conditions, the order and all acts resulting therefrom will be executed and interpreted in accordance with the Portuguese law. The client and SORTD PORTUGAL will seek, before any dispute, a possible amicable agreement.

In the event of a dispute regarding a purchase on our website, you can send a written complaint via email to customer service to the email address hello@getsortd.pt.

Any dispute of any kind or any dispute relating to the formation or execution of the order, even in the event of a warranty claim or multiple defendants, will be in the absence of an amicable agreement, the jurisdiction of the Portuguese Courts.

Article 16. Severability of clauses

The fact that any clause of these Terms and conditions becomes null, unenforceable, null and void, illegal or unenforceable by virtue of a law, regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, does not call into question the validity, legality and applicability of the other provisions of these Terms and conditions which will remain in force.

The client will remain bound to fulfill their contractual obligations and cannot, as such, avail themselves of any exemption from liability.

Date of T&C - 01/11/2023



getsortd.pt pays particular attention to the protection of its customers' personal data. Therefore, we undertake to comply with European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016, related to the protection of personal data as well as the national GDPR laws of the countries where we sell our services.

We promise to never sell or rent your personal data. While we sometimes rely on processors, they only act on our own behalf and in agreement with our instructions.

By using the getsort.pt site and the mobile applications available for you, you agree on the collection and use of your personal information as described in this data protection policy. Our policy also covers other channels for collecting your data, in particular by telephone, e-mail and when you contact our customer-support service. Each solution or service processing your personal data may, in its own general conditions of use, have confidentiality rules complementary to this confidentiality policy.

Privacy policy regarding personal data

We respect the privacy of our users and ensure that all information collected, allowing them to be identified, is considered confidential information.

We, therefore, undertake to strictly comply with the standards in force in terms of personal data protection and to implement all the appropriate measures related to information and the collection of your consent, in particular concerning the deposit of cookies on your device.

You can find on this privacy policy all the processing operations relating to your personal data. Where, when, how, and why we process your data and what your rights are. By logging into your getsort.pt account, you will be able to find all the information that our company may have on you and the possibilities available to you to refuse it.

SORTD PORTUGAL is a company LTD, hereinafter “getsortd.pt” or the “Website”  with its registered office at Second Home, Mercado de Ribeira, Av. 24 de Julho 1o andar, 1200-479 Lisboa – Portugal, is responsible for processing the personal data of its customers

Purposes of use of personal data by getsortd.pt

  • To identify the Customer when they connect to their account on the Site;
  • Online shopping and shopping list;
  • To respond to the Customer's questions / comments;
  • To communicate with the Customer as part of his services;
  • Monitoring ongoing procedures;
  • Monitor procedures and have access to documents;
  • Editing follow-up;
  • The preparation of invoices;
  • Other services and benefits that getsortd.pt will make available to its customers;
  • To send updates;
  • Pour informer le Client de l'avancement des procédures et de l'obtention des documents ;
  • To fulfill a legitimate interest;
  • Any other action related to the management and life of the services.

The requested data which is preceded by an asterisk are required for the smooth running of the order or the service requested by the Customer. Provision of these data conditions the conclusion of the contract. If the Customer wishes to request a service, he is required to provide them. Otherwise, getsortd.pt will not be able to perform the service requested by the Customer.

Purposes for which we will ask your consent

  • Satisfaction surveys;
  • Geolocation;
  • Targeted advertising (eg: Cookies policy);
  • Management of the loyalty program;
  • Management of customer opinions on our services;
  • Statistical analyzes;
  • Special offers, promotions, coupons and guarantees;
  • Newsletter.

The Data provided by the Client may also be used by getsortd.pt, subject to having obtained the express and prior consent of the Client, to send him marketing communications, namely:

  • by e-mail: newsletters, commercial offers, or marketing information relating to getsortd.pt, informing the Customer of current commercial operations and events organized by getsortd.pt.
  • by mobile: sending SMS to mobile phone.
  • by post: if applicable.

Possibility of the customer to refuse at any time to receive our commercial offers or marketing information

The Customer has the option to unsubscribe in each e-mail or sms and to refuse such marketing communications, either by not giving his consent when ordering or by objecting, free of charge, to the use of his Data for the sending of commercial offers if the consent had been given in advance. The Customer can make his request either by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each e-mail or by sending "STOP" to the number in each SMS or by writing to the following e-mail address: portugal@getsortd.pt.

Also, the Customer has the possibility to modify the Data or to close his account at any time.

Data that may be collected by getsortd.pt

Personal information or data refers to information concerning the Client as a natural person and is communicated by the Client voluntarily. The information transmitted to getsortd.pt may be the following:

  • Your first name, last name, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number;
  • Passeport number and other official documents required;
  • Account password;
  • Your location data (country, city);
  • Your billing address;
  • Your financial information (eg: credit card number);
  • IP / Mac address;
  • Connection cookies such as cookies, pixels in emails, etc. ;
  • Connection and navigation data;
  • The history of your purchases of getsortd.pt products and services;
  • History of coupons;
  • The history of letters and in particular the history of exchanges with customer service;
  • Other information that you wish to communicate to us.

The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated to you during collection by an asterisk. Please note that some data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on our Website.

The Customer accepts that their Data will be collected and used by getsortd.pt, in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Child protection

We may process data relating to minors on our getsortd.pt website or on our mobile applications. To do this, we make sure, in accordance with article 8 of the European data protection regulation, that the collection takes place with the express authorization of the holder of parental responsibility concerning the child.

getsortd.pt keeps your data for a specified period

Your personal data is kept for the time necessary to accomplish the objective pursued when it was collected. They will then be archived with restricted access for an additional period in connection with the periods of limitation and legal retention for strictly limited reasons authorized by law. They will then be deleted.

Type of people who have access to your data

getsortd.pt does not disclose your personal data to other companies for marketing purposes. Some of your information is transmitted to getsortd.pt entities or to subcontracting companies for the performance of your services, but always with security, administrative, technical and physical measures in order to protect them against any disclosure, use, modification and unlawful destruction by third parties.

These third-party subcontractors use and process the data in order to allow the proper performance of the service requested by the Customer.

The third-party subcontractors and the third-party partners to which getsortd.pt uses have undertaken to comply with the provisions of the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and this confidentiality policy. The Site will put in place the necessary security measures and will ensure that the third parties it uses to comply with the rules relating to personal data laid down by said regulation. getsortd.pt will not be responsible for any damage caused to the Customer for which getsortd.pt can prove that it was not the cause of the event giving rise to the damage.

getsortd.pt may sometimes transfer your personal data to its subcontractors outside the European Union for the same reasons as those described above. In the event that getsortd.pt should transfer data outside of the EU, we will do so only in accordance with laws and regulations. Indeed, for international transfers, getsortd.pt relies solely on the adequacy decisions of the European Commission or on standard contractual clauses which will be concluded with third-party organizations. We are committed to ensuring appropriate security controls to protect your personal data from any foreseeable danger.

Situations in which getsortd.pt may transmit and share your data

The Site may transmit and share Customer Data in the following cases:

  • With third-party subcontractors intervening on behalf of getsortd.pt in order to allow the proper execution of the service requested by the Customer.
  • When getsortd.pt has received the express consent of the Customer to transmit the Data to a third-party partner (third party partners correspond to advertisers).
  • Following a summons issued by an authority to getsortd.pt to transmit said Data.
  • In case of suspicion of the Site relating to fraud, a security problem, or a technical problem, getsortd.pt may share the Data with competent bodies.
  • In the event of a legitimate interest in getsortd.pt.

The Customer authorizes the transfer and storage of Data outside his country of residence only for the purposes of performing the service.

Retention time of your data

getsortd.pt keeps the Data for the purposes of performing the service requested by the Customer. The same applies to third-party subcontractors who provide services on our behalf and with whom the Site shares Data only for the performance of the service. The data will then be archived with restricted access for an additional period in connection with the periods of limitation and legal retention for strictly limited reasons authorized by law. Finally, they will then be deleted and the Customer can no longer be identified.

With regard to e-mail / newsletter and SMS, the Data is kept as long as the Customer has not deactivated his subscription.


Customers in control of their personal data

All our Customers have a free right to access and rectify Data concerning them, as well as a right to object to the processing of their Data.

When you provide personal information to getsortd.pt, as part of the creation of a user or customer account, you have access to your data and you can update, modify or delete it at any time.

Your rights relating to the protection of your data

In accordance with European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 relating to the protection of personal data, you have several rights for the management of your data.

The right of access: The Customer can access the Data which concerns him and which is held by getsortd.pt. These Data will be communicated at the Customer's request, by the Site, within the time allowed by law. getsortd.pt reserves the right to verify the identity of the Customer beforehand.

The right of rectification: The right to ask getsortd.pt to modify your inaccurate information on its database.

The right to erasure: getsortd.pt may also delete your information contained in our databases at your request.

The right to oppose and withdraw consent: You do not wish to or no longer appear on a file in our databases, you can do so by exercising one of these rights at any time.

The right to limit processing: You can request the suspension of processing concerning you for the duration of an audit (example: for the exercise of the right of opposition, getsortd.pt must verify whether there are legitimate reasons for continuing processing).

The right to portability: The Customer has the option of requesting the portability of Data to a third party, insofar as the Site holds this Data with the Customer's consent or that this Data is necessary for the execution of an order. or at the conclusion of a contract and subject to the technical possibilities of the Site.

The right to define directives relating to the fate of our data after his death: Without a directive from you, after a certain period of inactivity, getsortd.pt will delete your data. However, your heirs can, after your death, exercise the rights over your data.

The right to lodge a complaint with the Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados: Customers residing in Portugal can make any appeal, complaint or request relating to an alleged fault or infringement with the Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados. If you would like more information on your rights, go to the website of the Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados.

For Customers residing in a country other than Portugal, they can make any appeal, complaint or request concerning the protection of their Data to the competent national institution.

We undertake to inform the third-party processors and the third-party partners to whom we use and to whom the Data may have been transmitted for the performance of the service, in order to correct, rectify or delete your Data.

Contact for the exercise of your rights

getsortd.pt will do whatever is necessary to assist you. For any questions relating to this privacy policy or for the exercise of your rights, you can send us, in accordance with the regulations, an e-mail to the e-mail address portugal@getsortd.pt.


Cookies policy

When browsing the getsortd.pt, information may be saved in "cookie" files installed on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. By accepting the placement of these cookies or cookies, you express your consent to their use.

A cookie is a text file placed in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any other device optimized for the Internet), when viewing content or online advertising. This cookie file can only be read by its issuer. It allows its sender, during its validity period, to recognize the terminal concerned each time this terminal accesses digital content comprising cookies from the same sender.

The cookie does not identify you personally, but only the browser on your terminal.

The issuers of cookies

The cookies placed on the getsortd.pt site are only issued by our Site or by our partners.

These are cookies placed by the getsortd.pt site on your terminal to ensure good navigation on the Site. These cookies are not personal and are essential for placing your order.

The cookies placed by our partners aim to identify your areas of interest through the products consulted or purchased on our site and to personalize the advertising offer sent to you on our Site or outside our Site. These cookies are not personal and their deletion will not lead to the deletion of advertisements.

Types of cookies used by getsortd.pt

The cookies used by getsortd.pt are classified into 3 categories:

  • Technical cookies strictly necessary for the use of the site.
  • Marketing cookies collecting information on the browsing habits of our customers in order to display relevant and interesting advertisements.
  • "Social network" cookies allowing the Internet user to share site content.

Give or refuse consent to the deposit of cookies

When you log on to our Site for the first time, a banner allowing you to accept or configure your cookies appears. In the absence of a response from you, cookies will not be placed.

Your consent and preferences will be kept for 6 months but you can reverse your decision at any time by going to the Cookie Management page.

Cookies may be placed on your browser, with your consent, by our partners acting as data controllers. This is called a third-party cookie.

Although we do not manage the cookies of these partners and therefore have no control over them, we make sure that each of them agrees to comply with the legislation in force. In this regard, we advise you to consult the cookie policies specific to each partner.

Important! Taking into account your different wishes is based on one or more specific cookies. If you delete all the Cookies stored in your terminal concerning our site, we will no longer know what consent or refusal you have issued. This will therefore amount to resetting your consent and you will therefore have to again refuse the Cookie (s) that you do not want to keep. Likewise, if you use another Internet browser, you will have to refuse these Cookies again because of your choices, like the cookies to which they relate, depend on the browser and the device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that you use to consult our site.


Links to other sites

Our Site may contain links to other websites that we do not own or operate. We do not control them and we are not responsible for their content, products, services, or privacy policies and practices. However, getsortd.pt is committed to offering you trusted partners.

getsortd.pt secures your personal data

getsortd.pt is committed to protecting the security, confidentiality and integrity of your personal data provided on our getsortd.pt site and our mobile applications, through technical and organizational measures. getsortd.pt has appointed one of these collaborators as data protection officer whose mission is to guarantee the compliance of the processing operations that we implement, to keep a register to notify the solutions and their processing, then to ensure the exercise of your rights.

The protection of your banking data

To ensure that your bank card is not subject to malicious use and to prevent any harmful consequences, getsortd.pt has entrusted a specialized external company with the task of carrying out the necessary checks in a confidential and secure manner. The data collected during these checks relate to your identification data, purchases made with the card and credit card identification data.


Updating the privacy policy

getsortd.pt reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions. The Customer will be informed of any significant modification that would affect the purposes of collecting their Data. If the renewal of the Customer's consent is not necessary, the continued use by the Customer of the Site, following these modifications, implies their acceptance by the Customer without reservation.

For any questions or requests for information, the Customer can contact the person responsible for the Protection of Personal Data at the e-mail address portugal@getsortd.pt

In order to always remain in compliance with the regulations in force relating to the protection of personal data, this Privacy Policy is reviewed annually by our services.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is subject to the Portugal law. Any dispute about it will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portugal courts.


  1. This website is published and hosted by SORTD PORTUGAL is a company LTD. Its registration number is 517655268 and its place of bussines is Second Home, Mercado de Ribeira, Av. 24 de Julho 1o andar, 1200-479 Lisboa – Portugal.

Email : portugal@getsortd.pt

Publication Director: SAMUEL SERRA,CEO.

  1. For any information or advice, you can contact us via the website chat or the e-mail address portugal@getsortd.pt.

  1. We remind you that our general terms and conditions of sale for our website can be accessed at any time during your browsing at the bottom of each page of our site, by clicking on the "Terms and conditions" link.

  1. If you would like more information on the protection and processing of your personal data and on cookies, please consult our "Confidentiality policy - Personal data - Cookies" page, which is accessible at the bottom of every page of the site.

  1. This website is protected by intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, designs and models, trademarks, domain names, patents, know-how, software and databases. getsortd.pt and/or its partners remain(s) the owner(s) of all such content and associated rights.

On this content, getsortd.pt grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable licence, without the right to sub-licence, for simple access, browsing and use related to this Site. This licence does not grant you any other right, in particular to commercially exploit this content.

  1. These legal notices may be amended at any time. Any such changes published online are deemed to have been accepted without reservation when you access the site after they have been put online. We recommend that you consult this information regularly.

Privacy Policy

User Policy